3 min read

How do Marsh Buggies and Amphibious Equipment help with Dredging

How do Marsh Buggies and Amphibious Equipment help with Dredging

You can think of dredging as moving subsea sediments and debris from one place to another, and in the case of dredging, these sediments and debris are at the bottom of rivers, lakes, ponds, and other bodies of water. 

Dredging is a vital operation in order to facilitate the transportation of goods and people up and down rivers, through major canals, such as the Panama Canal, and across oceans. 

Dredging is necessary due to the constant movement of earth and sediment near continents. Waves pound the coastlines incessantly, removing and depositing dirt, and in rivers and streams, sediments are being deposited as well, building up and eroding banks in a never-ending cycle. Thus, dredging services are important in order to keep these waterways clear for trade and commerce.

In this blog post, we'll take a look at how marsh buggies and amphibious equipment can help you with your dredging needs. 

  1. Transport people, equipment, tools, and supplies
  2. Amphibious equipment allows for versatility, speed, and efficiency
  3. Transport heavier equipment to dredging sites

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Marsh Buggies, Amphibious Equipment and Dredging

Many people don't realize that most of the world's goods still travel by water. In fact, it is estimated that linear shipping transport approximately 60% of the US's goods, and in Rose George's book, Ninety Percent of Everything, she claims 90% of everything we buy arrives in ships.

Due to mother nature ever-changing the environment we live in; shorelines, canals, rivers, and more all need regular maintenance and work — and for the most part, this entails dredging work. Without dredging, most of the goods we enjoy would become trapped in waterways, unable to move.

Transport people, equipment, tools, and supplies

Marsh buggies and amphibious equipment have helped facilitate dredging in many ways. Marsh buggies, or swamp buggies, are able to easily transport people, equipment, tools, and supplies to remote and difficult to access job sites. Without these low ground pressure, amphibious types of equipment, most dredging and support work would be impossible to accomplish.

Amphibious equipment allows for versatility, speed, and efficiency

Not only is marsh buggy and amphibious equipment helpful in facilitating transportation to job sites, it also helps with the actual dredging itself. Amphibious equipment has increased versatility, as well as speed and efficiency when it comes to dredging operations. By using specialized attachments such as buckets, excavators, and pumps, marsh buggies or amphibious equipment can be used to efficiently dredge and remove sediment from waterways.

Transport heavier equipment to dredging sites

Large marsh buggies can transport much-needed heavier equipment to dredging sites, such as drills and excavators. Specifically designed amphibious undercarriages allow machines such as excavators to float, making these pieces of heavy machinery extremely versatile, maneuverable, and necessary for dredging operations around the world.

Choose U.S. Aqua Services today

U.S. Aqua Services is a leader in dredging services and dredging equipment rentals across the United States. We utilize marsh buggies and amphibious vehicles in our dredging operations in order to increase efficiencies, eliminate headaches, and help to reduce some of the challenges faced in these high-stress environments.

This is a huge plus for the environment, as humans can beneficially accomplish their needs while leaving minimal impact on the environment.  Our dredging systems have the capabilities of dredging up to 1000 ft of waterNew call-to-action

About U.S. Aqua Services

U.S. Aqua Services was created to support the dredging process in advancing commerce and responding to its many challenges. To accomplish this, our dredging company assembled an exceptional group of experienced individuals and a diverse inventory of dredge equipment.

We offer dredging equipment rental services so you can have access to the latest and greatest in dredging technology without having to pay to maintain it, transport, and store it

With an emphasis on mobility, dependability, durability, diversity, efficiency, and safety, our dredging rental company can ensure that our different types of dredging systems are easy to move through any terrain and can work in the most rugged and remote environments. Our multi-function hydraulic systems are built with jetting and mechanical options that can efficiently move loose sediment or stiff layers of clay.

US Aqua services also and maintains a ready fleet of amphibious equipment capable of completing dredging projects in some of the harshest and most remote environments. U.S Aqua is also the dealer for Louisiana of the amphibious vehicle Fat Truck. No matter the size or scope of the job or the remoteness of your work location, you can rely on Fat Truck’s industrial off-road utility vehicles to get the job done right.

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